Leading the Charge for Sustainable Farming

Sustainability at Landus is all about educating and supporting our 5,500 farmer-owners to make meaningful changes that will have a positive impact on the environment starting with their biggest investment, the soil. Our team advocates for continuous improvement utilizing sustainable practices, products and technologies which, in turn, makes an impact at every level of the supply chain—from the soil to the consumer.

Farmer-owners are making significant, measurable progress toward sustainability in farming today. And while the industry is making progress, we can do more. At Landus, we are collaborating across the supply chain to develop solutions that will increase profitability for the farmer and have a positive impact on our planet.

Agriculture plays a key role in many of the sustainability challenges we face, including water quality, biodiversity, crop regeneration, and carbon footprint reduction.
Landus President's Message

Leadership at Landus

Sustainability starts at the top with our President & CEO Matt Carstens. Under the leadership of Matt Carstens and the Landus Board of Directors, Landus has established a groundbreaking platform for sustainable change that starts on the farm. In 2023, Matt established the Landus Sustainability Council.


The Pillars that define who we are and what we do

Our sustainability work is guided by four key pillars that align with our values and act as our North Star.

Farmer Focus

Sustainability at Landus begins and ends with the farmer. We are dedicated to keeping the farmer at the center of our efforts. We believe that the key to unlocking the greatest gains in sustainability will come from working closely with farmers to continue to improve.

Rural Vitality

Every day, we strive to be better for the next generation, to create opportunities for the Farmers of Tomorrow and their families to thrive in rural America. Landus supports the local businesses, education, non-profit partners, and vendors that allow farm communities across rural America to continue to thrive.


Innovation at Landus means collecting insights and data and evaluating tip-of-the-spear technologies and methods to implement meaningful, successful projects that can be scaled for impact.

Downstream Driven

Transparency is vital. With our ability to touch every link in the supply chain, Landus is able to ensure that communications with consumers and all stakeholders are accurate and data backed.


We have all the necessary data and touch each part of the supply chain, starting with the soil and moving all the way to the consumer. We are ready to execute and provide results. Our approach is results driven, implementing a five-step approach.

Programs and Practices

Landus works directly with our farmer-owners in the implementation and promotion of programs and practices.

Representation and Participation:
  • Member of Iowa’s Agriculture Clean Water Alliance
  • Full-time Conservation Agronomists dedicated to sustainability support for our farmers
Sustainability Practices
  • Implementation of the 4R's (right source, right rate, right time, right place) of nutrient stewardship
  • Tillage management, including no till, reduced till, and strip till
  • Cover crops & crop rotation
  • Green ammonia
  • Use of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrogen (N) loss
Proactive Sustainability Management
  • Dedicated Landus Sustainability Council
  • Data aggregation of sustainability attributes for farmers
  • Carbon Intensity (CI) calculator and reduction management strategies
  • Products, practices, and technologies to improve soil health
  • Variable rate and precision nutrient management

Soy Processing

Landus’ soybean crush facility in Ralston, Iowa is the largest mechanical-crush facility in the country. This innovative process of extracting oil from the soybeans has the ability to impact every touchpoint in the sustainability chain.