Rise N+K™ with CropPWR™

How it Works

With a unique blend of slow-release Nitrogen (SRN), Potassium (K), and Sulfur (S) in the Potassium Thiosulfate form (KTS), Rise N+K provides a premium source of N-K-S nutrition for crops. Rise N+K enhances crop growth and quality; it can also help correct nutritional deficiencies of N, K, and S and help plants rebound from stressful conditions.


Nutrient Availability

  • Premium source of K, S, and slow-release N for improved nutrient use, efficiency, and uptake by crops
  • SRN increases nitrogen absorption by the crop and reduces risks of environmental losses

Crop Health

  • Increases crop tolerance to abiotic stressors like cold temperatures, drought, and fertilizer-induced salinity stress
  • Improved translocation enhances overall plant performance

Chlorine free

  • Increased nutrient remobilization

Ease of Use

  • Wide window of application with positive performance
  • Rise N+K is compatible with most fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides for easy tank mix applications

Learn more about Rise N+K + CropPWR

Learn more about Rise N+K + CropPWR and how to use it in your fields in the video below.

Use Rate
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